About Us

Lokton Invest serves telecommunications companies around the world, helping them to better understand their customers, build superior networks, find a sustainable path to growth and achieve cost leadership while maintaining a high-performance organization. We have completed more than 250 consulting and accounting projects with clients seeking to confront the largest challenges and opportunities presented by the industry's continuous evolution.

Lokton Invest LLC was created by group of initiative businessmen in 2002 for granting Telecom services to the enterprises and private persons. All employees of the company — skilled experts with the nonconventional approach to the decision of tasks in view. It also allows us to embody during a life non-standard, and at times and unique ideas on creation of new products. Besides our company constantly grows due to a set all of new and new experts. With them new forces, and accordingly new trends and ideas come.

Our Service Portfolio

Simultaneously with it, we prepare for start for the complex decision for VoIP (Voice Over IP) Communication. In details to familiarize with the above-stated products we offer you in corresponding sections of our site.
Main principle of work of company Lokton Invest LLC is work with each client in the individual order, and consequently also a maximum of effect for your business. It favourably distinguishes us from the majority of other companies in the market and conducts to formation of close business relations between us, and our partners. The company has more than 200 partners in the different countries of the world and monthly processes more than 25,000,000 minutes of the traffic.

We hope, our ideas will be interesting to you and can satisfy all your requirements.